Frequently Asked Questions
How do I make a distribution request?
Once our services have been engaged, we will schedule a phone conference to discuss goals. After the initial discussion, all requests will need to be made in writing to Doug@ESITrust.com. Please note that it may take a few days to review your request and the guidelines set forth in your trust before a distribution can be made.
If I already have a trusted Investment Advisor, will you work with them?
Yes. Please provide us with their contact information and we are happy to work with them. We will schedule a brief phone conference with them to discuss your desires and goals and how to establish a successful working relationship between their office and ours.
Do you have a trusted Investment Advisor if I do not currently work with one?
Yes. Over the years, we have worked with a number of local and out of state Investment Advisors. We will work with you to find the best one to help maximize your funds and reach your financial goals.
Will I receive regular statements and accountings from your office? If so, how are those sent? How frequently can I expect an accounting?
You will receive quarterly accountings from our office. We will email them to you unless you specifically request that we mail them. If you change email addresses, please make sure to keep us informed so you continue to receive communication from us. Most of our communication is done by email.
How does your office bill for your services?
Our fees are generally based on total asset value. Please see the enclosed Fee Schedule for our current compensation rates.
Do you file annual tax returns on behalf of the trust
We will work with a local CPA to complete tax returns in a timely manner each year. We will work with your personal tax preparer, if requested.
Who can we contact for questions or distribution requests?
Below is a list of contacts and their email addresses. We work best by email but we are always available by telephone to answer questions. Please remember, all distribution requests must be made in writing. Please note, our physical and mailing addresses are different.